Proud to be a Certified NWF Garden

River City Harvest is proud to announce that we are a certified National Wildlife Federation Garden! What does that mean? “The National Wildlife Federation’s Garden for Wildlife Program helps people restore habitat and wildlife populations to our cities, towns and neighborhoods. Since 1973, the program has been educating and empowering people turn their own small Read more about Proud to be a Certified NWF Garden[…]

River City Harvest Suyo ©Rhonda Adkins Photography 2013

Nurturing Plants and Growing Knowledge! Workshop!

GTCC Summer Institute 2016 Workshop 1619 TITLE: Nurturing Plants and Growing Knowledge! DESCRIPTION: Experiential learning experiences outdoors growing plants, understanding nature, and expanding science based knowledge. Hands-on lessons to meet technology, team working, and scientific methods while meeting the standards. PRESENTER(S): Patti Armbrister TARGET AUDIENCE: K-12 Educators DATE: Monday-Tuesday, August 1-2, 2016 TIME: 8:30 a.m.-Noon Read more about Nurturing Plants and Growing Knowledge! Workshop![…]